Friday, November 28, 2014

December 2014

December 2014 classes

December ... the 12th and FINAL month of the year. 2014 has flown by, I can't believe that very shortly it will be 2015, can you?

What memorable things have you done in 2014?

December is a month where many things happen and of course everywhere you turn you are reminded about Christmas and winter.

Here are some of the different events and observances that happen in the month of December:

Dec. 1st - World AIDS Day   & CATIE (Canada's Source for HIV & hepatitis C information)
Dec. 2nd - International Day of People with Disability -- WHO 
Dec. 10th - Human Rights Day
Dec. 14th - Monkey Day  -- not an official holiday ... but sounds like a fun day!
Dec. 23 - Festivus   & The Story of Festivus (Seinfeld)

Dec. 24 - Christmas Eve
Dec. 25 - Christmas     History of Christmas   
Dec. 26 - Boxing Day
       Christmas in Vancouver
       Free Christmas in Vancouver
       Vancouver Christmas Market

Holidays that change

December also sees the first day of WINTER ... yes ... it is not until December 21st; although, it would be hard to convince some people in parts around North America that that is when winter really starts!

Monday, November 3, 2014

November 2014

November is a the 11th month of the year and has 30 days. This month is equally as busy as the previous 10. Below you can find a few of the different events / holidays that are celebrated worldwide. The most important in Canada is Remembrance Day, which is on November 11th. It is a day when Canadian soldiers are remembered. You will be seeing lots of people wearing poppies, a symbol of those who died in war. 

November Dates: 

November 11th -- Remembrance Day

Movember -- all month

In the USA they celebrate THANKSGIVING on the fourth THURSDAY of the month and after that comes BLACK FRIDAY.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October 2014

October is a great month here in Canada, we get to see the change of leaves and temperature as well as shorter days. 
Get out and enjoy all the different fall colors that nature has to offer. 

In October, Canada celebrates THANKSGIVING, the second Monday of the month. Then at the end of the month (Oct. 31st) there is HALLOWEEN.Click on the links to learn a little more about these celebrations. 

Also you will see lots of pink ribbons around as October is BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 2014

September Calendar - Image credit: zavulonya / 123RF Stock Photo
Here's SEPTEMBER's class.

"September days have the warmth of summer in their briefer hours, but in their lengthening evenings a prophetic breath of autumn.  The cricket chirps in the noontide, making the most of what remains of his brief life.  The bumblebee is busy among the clover blossoms of the aftermath, and their shrill and dreamy hum hold the outdoor world above the voices of the song birds, now silent or departed."
-   September Days   By Rowland E. Robinson, Vermont.  


"The leaves of brown came tumblin' down, remember
In September in the rain
The sun went out just like a dying ember
That September in the rain.
To every word of love I heard you whisper
The raindrops seemed to play a sweet refrain."
-  September in the Rain, Lyrics by Warren and Dubin


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

August 2014

Summer is HALF way over ... welcome AUGUST 2014

There is also a holiday in AUGUST. 
        August 4th  is BC DAY - no classes.
                    Culture & History of BC

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

July 2014

Click here for the JULY 2014 classes. 

For many children in the northern hemisphere JULY is a month to be celebrated, not only is summer here, but school is out as well.

In Canada, there is CANADA DAY to celebrate on July 1st, and in the United States of America, they celebrate Independence Day on July 4th.  

Have an amazing SUMMER in Vancouver!! Happy July!

Monday, June 2, 2014

June 2014

"I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June."

(Famous Canadian author,

 known for her "Anne of Green Gables" Series)

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

May 2014

MAY 2014

The fifth month of the year is MAY! Did you know that May was named for the Greek goddess Maia?

Events in May: 

Month-long Events in May

Weeklong Events in May
2nd Week of May
  • Bike Week (Bicycle Week) is a yearly international event that advocates the importance of bicycling as a means of transportation. Bike Week takes place during the second week of May or June and is typically an entire week of city-wide cycling supplemented with events.

Above information taken from Wikipedia. 

"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world." -Harriet Tubman

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April 2014

April is here and there is so much that happens in this month. 
Here are just a few of the things that happen around the world in April.  

Monthly Observances: 
Autism Awareness Month --> In the past decades AUTISM has gained more attention around the world, as the number of people it affects has increased and it has become easier to detect. What is autism? Well, briefly it is a disorder of brain development which creates difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors. Check out the link for more information. 

Daffodil Month (Canadian Cancer Society) --> All around Vancouver you will start to see many people wear daffodils on their clothing, this is a symbol to make people more aware of Cancer and raise money to support Cancer research. Buy a daffodil pin to support the cause. 

Jazz Appreciation Month --> Jazz a music form that has shaped history of people and music. 

Weekly Observances: 
Canada Book Week --> Reading is FUN, FUN, FUN!! Take some time out of your busy schedule and read a book. Here are some great CANADIAN authors: Margaret ATWOOD, Michael ONDAATJE, and Lucy Maud MONTGOMERY to name a few. 

Daily Observances:
April 1st - April Fools Day
April 2nd - International Children's Book Day, World Autism Day
April 7th - World Health Organization Day
April 15th - World Art Day
April 22nd - Earth Day
April 23rd - English Language Day
                                Look these events up for more information and join in. 
For more holidays check out April Holidays & Observances

Also this year we have EASTER
Every year Easter changes as it is a Christian holiday that is based on the lunar calendar. Easter is a festival or holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ In Canada most places get GOOD FRIDAY and EASTER MONDAY off, we will not have school those days. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

March 2014

March 2014

Here is some information and poems about "March".

“March comes in
Like a lion 
And goes out
 Like a lamb.“

I caught a little leprechaun
One lovely warm March day.
He told me tales of treasure
Before he slipped away.

E. Edge

Monday, February 3, 2014

February 2014

February 2014

February is a super short month ... or at least it feels that way sometimes. Actually, February is a short month because it has only 28 days unless it is a leap year, which has 29. 

Why 28? 
Leap year

February Holidays & Special Days: 
Feb. 2 --> Groundhog Day
Feb. 7 --> Winter Olympics in Sochi
Feb. 14 --> Valentine's Day
Feb. 21 --> International Mother Language Day

Black History Month (USA)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 2014

Welcome to the NEW YEAR!!


January is the first month of the year. Do you know how the month got it's name? Check out this link to find out more information! History January

Are there any holidays in January? 
Well ... there is January 1st, where many countries around the world celebrate the start of the New Year. In Canada it is a holiday and many places are closed. 

Outside of Canada many Spanish speaking countries celebrate Días de los Reyes Magos or in English "Three Wise Men Day". 

In Scotland, they have the Burns Supper, which celebrates the life of Robert "Robbie" Burns a famous poet. Here's another site about Robert Burns.  He was the author of the famous song "Auld Lyne Syne", (video) which is traditionally sang to ring in the new year. 

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words awaits another voice.” – T.S. Eliot

“Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.” Helen Keller